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11th May 8pm



With a demand and a “C-bomb” before we had even entered the space, we knew exactly what we were in for - a production not for the faint hearted. This relevant piece presents an age of millennials and the blame they (we) are burdened with for the collapse of various industries including fashion, oil, and even a humorous stab at napkins. It is indeed an important statement and harsh lesson for the so called “Baby Boom” generation who point the finger at us “Snowflakes”. However, the cast’s rage and anger neither offers a solution nor makes a huge impact in its execution. Don’t get me wrong, the piece has moments of shock, sadness and pain, all of which are a brilliant recipe to make a change, but for an insight into an angry and hurt millennial, the choices weren’t pushed to their absolute limit. The physicality of the performers were, at times, uncomfortable to watch. The setting of a promiscuous cell block – a cleverly interpreted use of Kander and Ebb’s classic Cell Block Tango by the way, a reference understandably lost on some patrons, but a lovely Easter egg for musical theatre fans – although apt and fun, didn’t feel comfortable for the actors and the skimpy outfits they were wearing. That being said, the space was bare and sparingly littered with props, a fine example of poor theatre. A cast trying to tell their story with too little money to pay rent or their University fees, let alone a lavish set. A very nice touch. Cell Block What The **** is well worth the watch, especially if you are unaware of the millennial plight, but sadly, I wanted more anger… this is theatre after all.

Daniel Thomas

Cell Block Thumb.jpg

Next performance of this show is 22nd May 8pm


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